Deep Blue Pool Supplies

25kg Relax Pool Total Alkalinity Plus

(103 customer reviews)


Relax Total Alkalinity Plus Granules are used to increase your waters Total Alkalinity levels towards ideal levels between 80 – 140ppm.
Testing your pool TA level is an important aspect to your pool water testing as such Relax have a range of pool chemicals including Total Alkalinity granules to help you bring your TA up to ideal levels.

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Relax Total Alkalinity Plus Granules are used to increase your waters Total Alkalinity levels towards ideal levels between 80 – 140ppm.
Testing your pool TA level is an important aspect to your pool water testing as such Relax have a range of pool chemicals including Total Alkalinity granules to help you bring your TA up to ideal levels.

Directions For Use1. Use a Test Kit to establish the Total Alkalinity (T.A.) level of your pool water.
2. To raise TA by 10ppm add this product at the rate of 160gms per 1000 litres of pool water – or 750gms per 10,000 gallons.
3. Ensure the pool circulation pump is running when adding this product.
4, Thoroughly pre-dissolve 200g of the product in a plastic bucket of pool water, before adding directly above the pool return inlets. Repeat as necessary.
5. Leave to circulate overnight, then re-test pool water and adjust accordingly.

General Precautions:
Dosing:· Wear eye and face protection and ensure granules are not blown back into your face.
· Never mix with other chemicals including household cleaners, as a dangerous
reaction may occur.
· When pre-dissolving product always add to water not vice versa, and only ever 200g per 10 litres in a bucket per treatment.
· Always wash hands thoroughly after handling pool chemicals.

Handling/Storage:· Handle products in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors.
· Wash hands after use.
· Ensure chemicals do not become damp in storage – store in a cool dry place.
Contains – Sodium Bicarbonate