Deep Blue Pool Supplies

1 litre Relax Pool Water Clarifier Concentrate

(20 customer reviews)


Pool Sparkle Clarifier is perfect for adding shine and clarity to swimming pool water. A great solution to cloudy water caused by waste particles that are too small for the filter to remove. Pool Sparkle joins the fine waste particles in the water, making the particles bigger and easier for the filter to trap. The result is clear water.

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SKU PLARCH057S Category


Pool Sparkle Clarifier is perfect for adding shine and clarity to swimming pool water. A great solution to cloudy water caused by waste particles that are too small for the filter to remove. Pool Sparkle joins the fine waste particles in the water, making the particles bigger and easier for the filter to trap. The result is clear water.

Application instructions:

  1. Backwash the filter for a normal backwashing period.
  2. Shock chlorinate the pool water to 5ppm (parts per million).
  3. Add Clarifier directly over the pool inlets at a rate of between 250ml to 500ml per 45.5m3 (10,000 gallons/ 45,000 Litres).
  4. This process should be repeated whenever necessary.
  5. If the cloudiness in the pool water is heavier than normal then the use of Relax Clear Tabs or Relax Granular Floc is recommended.